While you should be here for the benefits of running -- or maybe just to drink beer like me -- earning free things is great as well. There is now a list of rewards you can earn on each club page (for clubs that offer them).
There is also a design change from last month: if you have the 🏆 icon displayed in the bottom right (indicating you have a pending reward), clicking on the icon will now tell you what the reward is and what club it's from.
The robots have NOT taken over
Previously your user icon was a robot that was generated automatically for you. Those are now gone and have been replaced with the ability to pick an emoji as your avatar. 🎉
Whether you feel 😊 or 😢 or 🫒 about it... head on over to your edit profile page and change your avatar now! Unless you prefer to remain a ❓ - the choice is yours.
Winter weight or summer bod?
While you're editing your profile to pick your emoji, please also select your t-shirt size.
One club asked their president to collect everyone's sizes so they could get shirts made and we figured why not put it in one place for all clubs? You can always change it.
User profile redesign
The user profile page has been redesigned. It's still a work in progress. I'm only medium happy with it. Expect more changes in the future... unless I get distracted.
Other design changes
The banner displaying today's run club (when there is one) now shows the club's logo as well. Some people were still struggling to easily find that day's club page.
A club's page will now display a count of runners that checked in for that day (only on the day that run club is active)
🦃 November, 2024
Never miss a reward
Runners that have earned a reward but haven't physically received it yet will see a 🏆 displayed at the bottom right of every page.
What day is it?
When visiting the list of clubs, the run club for that day will be linked at the top to make finding the right club easier.
It will also be highlighted on the list.
Seriously... what day is it?
You can no longer check-in to a club on a day that club isn't scheduled to run.
Currently that means runs are only allowed on:
Monday @ OSB
Wednesday @ Fainting Goat
Thursday @ The Mill
Duplicate check-ins removed
Runners were previously able to check-in more than once which was causing duplicate runs on occasion.
These duplicate runs have now been removed.
You may notice a change in the total runs or a change in the "Most Runs" leader.
Duplicate check-ins now prevented
Now that all duplicate check-ins have been removed, they have also been prevented from happening again.
Attempting to check-in more than once on the same day will show a warning that you've already checked in..
This list of updates
I wasn't previously posting what updates were made, but now I will (when they're big enough to be worth mentioning).